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Most of the achievements in Freedom Wars Remastered are relatively easy to get. Just following the story and playing the way the game is supposed to be played is enough to get more than half of the achievements. Still, there are some that require so special attention, where you will need to purposefully try to get them. I’ve compiled a full list of all the achievements in Freedom Wars Remastered and how to get each one of them without too much effort.
Table of Contents -
Full Trophy List for Freedom Wars Remastered
Story Achievements
Constant Comrade
Fashion Accessory
Antisocial Networking
Full Trophy List for Freedom Wars Remastered
Story Achievements
The game consists of eight levels or codes (CODE). At the end of each level, an exam awaits you. After passing you can move to the next level. However, to access the exam, you need to meet certain conditions.
Menace to Society
Earn your first punishment for violating the People’s Charter.
Take a few steps in the cell as soon as you gain control of the character.
The Walls Have Eyes
Violate the People’s Charter ten times.
You’ll get this naturally. You can just run around the cell when you don’t have permission to do so. Being defiant to the Accessory also helps.
Accidentally drop a citizen while carrying them to an RRU.
Can be done in the second tutorial mission (“CG1-2 Re-education Operation II”) when you need to deliver a citizen to the capsule. Pick them up, press the run button, and crash into a wall.
First Step to Freedom
Claim your first entitlement.
Story trophy, unmissable.
Citizen’s Friend
Transport a citizen to a Resource Reclamation Unit during operation CT1-3 Dawn – Citizen Reclamation or later.
Story trophy, unmissable.
CODE 2 Clearance
Meet the conditions and pass the exam to earn your Level 2 CODE Clearance.
Story trophy, obtained after completing the “CODE 2 Exam” mission.

In Search of the Strongest Weapon
Complete your first weapon upgrade at the weapon development facility.
To upgrade weapons, go to Facility Management, then Weapon Development Facility, and select Upgrade Weapons.
Module Maker
Complete your first weapon development facility module production cycle.
To create modules, go to Facility Management, then Weapon Development Facility, and select Manufacture Modules.
Junk Trader
Complete your first scrap resource production cycle.
Scrap can be obtained from unsuccessful module creation.
Retail Therapy
Make your first item purchase using Entitlement Points.
Buy something at Zakka or Fueling Station located in The Warren.
Severance Package
Sever an Abductor component.
Components can be detached with light melee weapons. In battle, you need to lock on the target so it turns red – this is the component that can be detached. Then pull yourself in with the Thorn and press “A”, after which you’ll need to spam this button. Repeat until you detach the component.
The Great Divide
Sever five or more Abductor components in a single operation.
See above for how to detach components.
CODE 3 Clearance
Meet the conditions and pass the exam to earn your Level 3 CODE Clearance.
Story trophy, obtained after completing the “CP2-4 Patriot: Liquidation” mission.

Scrap Merchant
Collect fifty different types of resources from destroyed abductors.
Cumulative trophy, obtained as you progress.
CODE 4 Clearance
Meet the conditions and pass the exam to earn your Level 4 CODE Clearance.
Story trophy, obtained after completing the “CODE 4 Exam” mission.
Extractable Abilities
Complete your first ability development facility augmentation production cycle.
To create augmentations, go to Facility Management, then Ability Development Facility, and select Manufacture Augmentations.
Ramosa Disposer
Defeat a Ramosa-class Abductor while playing offline without falling once in battle.
You must defeat the abductor without losing the mission (if you fall but are revived by a partner, you’ll still get the trophy).
The Ramosa class is a mechanical tiger with wings. You’ll first encounter it in the “CP2-4 Patriot: Liquidation” operation (CODE 2). Start by destroying the wings – this will get rid of its ability to shoot at range. Let your partners do most of the work.
CODE 5 Clearance
Meet the conditions and pass the exam to earn your Level 5 CODE Clearance.
Story trophy, obtained after completing the “CODE 5 Exam” mission.
Sense of Entitlement
Claim over 101 entitlements.
Cumulative trophy, obtained naturally. The fastest way to get it is by buying paint (Color Palettes) and other accessories. There are many of them, and they require few points to purchase.
Partners in Crime
Create and save a new voice response for your Accessory.
Approach the Accessory, select Customize Accessory, then Response Index, and create your response.
DIY Demon
Upgrade a weapon to Level 5.
Easily done without any grinding.
Fire over 9,999 rounds of ammunition.
Cumulative trophy, obtained as you progress.
I Want You Back
Have your Accessory seized by an enemy Abductor.
Find an abductor with no citizens inside. Wait for your Accessory to fall in battle and don’t revive it. To make it easier, equip your Accessory with a melee weapon.
If successful, the abductor will capture your Accessory, after which a red timer will appear. Wait for the timer to end and get the trophy. Be sure to complete the mission for the next trophy.
The Only One for Me
Successfully complete an Accessory Reclamation operation.
After losing your Accessory, a special rescue operation will become available. Go to Window on Liberty, then Request Special Operations, and select the operation that appears. After completing it, you’ll get your Accessory back and receive the achievement.
No Man Left Behind
Come to the aid of a fallen comrade ten times.
Cumulative trophy, obtained as you progress.
Paradoxa Boxer
Defeat a Paradoxa-class Abductor while playing offline without falling once in battle.
You must defeat the abductor without losing the mission (if you fall but are revived by a partner, you’ll still get the trophy).
The Paradoxa class is a mechanical spider. You’ll first encounter it in the “DS4-1 Wraith: Eliminate Enemy” operation (CODE 4). Start by destroying the two guns on its back – this will remove its ability to shoot webs. Let your companions do most of the work.
CODE 6 Clearance
Meet the conditions and pass the exam to earn your Level 6 CODE Clearance.
Story trophy, obtained after completing the “CODE 6 Exam” mission.
Natural Thorn Killer
Claim all Thorn-related entitlements.
The achievement speaks for itself.
CODE 7 Clearance
Meet the conditions and pass the exam to earn your Level 7 CODE Clearance.
Story trophy, obtained after completing the “CODE 7 Exam” mission.
Just Desserts
Collect every variety of ice cream.
There are four types of ice cream you need to find. First, talk to Jiro (bartender) at the Fueling Station. You’ll get a coupon for chocolate ice cream. Ask “You don’t have any other flavors?”, after which you’ll get a hint on where to find the next coupon.
Vanilla ice cream will be on the second, third, or fourth level of Citizen’s Promenade. Jiro will tell you the exact floor.
Mint ice cream will be between the second and fourth levels of Cell Garden.
Strawberry ice cream will be between the fifth and eighth floors of Cell Garden.
CODE 8 Clearance
Meet the conditions and pass the exam to earn your Level 8 CODE Clearance.
Story trophy, obtained after completing the “CG7-3 Whitewater: Reach Objective” mission (you’ll have three missions in a row).
Marathorn Man
Use your Thorn to cover a distance of 26 miles (42 km).
Use the thorn for movement whenever possible. At the end of missions, you’ll have a few seconds. Don’t skip them, use them for movement.
Only 900,000 Years to Go…
Reduce your sentence to 900,000 years or below.
Cumulative trophy, obtained as you progress.
Only 800,000 Years to Go…
Reduce your sentence to 800,000 years or below.
Cumulative trophy, obtained as you progress.
Only 500,000 Years to Go…
Reduce your sentence to 500,000 years or below.
Cumulative trophy, obtained as you progress.
For the Greater Good!
Successfully complete 5 special operations.
Recommended to do this online.
Pelta Pelter
Defeat a Peltatum- or Oltatum-class Abductor while playing offline without falling once in battle.
You must defeat the abductor without losing the mission (if you fall but are revived by a partner, you’ll still get the trophy).
The Peltatum or Oltatum class is the final form of the final boss. You’ll first encounter it in the “XX7-5 Ghost Glow: Liquidation” operation (CODE 7).
Dionaea Slayer
Defeat a Dionaea-class Abductor while playing offline without falling once in battle.
Dionaea-class abductors are the dragon-like entities. It’s recommended to engage them in the Showdown Operation “DO:XX8-5:Liquidation” after completing the main game. This encounter can be challenging.
The optimal strategy involves dodging, maintaining distance, and firing at the target while your A.I. companions inflict damage. Only approach when it’s safe, such as when the enemy is stunned or knocked down.
Always evade its mouth blast as it’s a one-hit kill. If you feel secure enough, attempt to destroy its wings to restrict its aerial attacks. Continue this approach until the Dionaea is defeated.
Volunteer of the Year
Successfully complete every discretionary operation.
These operations are prefixed with “DO:”. Each Code level, except for Code 1, contains 2 to 3 discretionary operations. These become available once you’ve completed all standard operations within the Code.
For Code 8, unlocking the final 2 discretionary operations requires earning the “Towards the Transformation” trophy. Subsequently, you’ll need to decrease your sentence by approximately 15,000-20,000 years. The game will then notify you of a new operation.
Complete this operation and repeat the process to access the final one.
Towards the Great Transformation
Take all four paths offered by Simeon.
After defeating XX7-5 Ghost Glow: Liquidation, visit Julien at his usual spot in the Fueling Station. Complete a few operations, and Julien will inform you about finding the ideal location for the seed. Head to the specified place to encounter Simeon once more.
Simeon will offer you a choice of four wishes:
- The Path of the Warrior
- The Path of Preservation
- The Path of Other Paths
- The Path of Alliance
Next, complete the Code 8 operation and continue working to reduce your sentence. The game will eventually prompt you to meet Simeon again for another wish. Repeat this process until all wishes have been granted, at which point the trophy will unlock.
Joy and Prosperity
Earn all achievements.
Constant Comrade
Complete 5 operations while collaborating with other players.
Speaks for itself.
Fashion Accessory
Give your Accessory a makeover, then visit the lobby area.
First, approach the window in the cell (“Window on Liberty”), select “Request Image Overhaul”, then change the appearance of your accessory. Now approach the accessory, select “Request Cooperation” and find a lobby.
Antisocial Networking
Exchange rap sheets with a fellow sinner.
While in the lobby, open the menu and select “Send Rap Sheet”.
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Adrian Oprea
Based in Bucharest, Romania, Adrian Oprea is the Founder of Raider King. He is a writer with a passion for storytelling and a love for all things RPG. When not wielding a keyboard, he can be found exploring fantastical worlds, one quest at a time.
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